

许哲大大 天上不会掉馅饼 2022-07-19





之前说的塔勒布关于比特币的论述多少有点隔靴搔痒,因为推特也都只是只言片语,要理解他完整的意思不可避免的还是要回到他那个论文《Bitcoin, Currencies, and Fragility》。这文章很长,我时间精力有限,粗糙的翻译一下。因为里面涉及到不少专业内容,我会写点注释和导读。到一个阶段的最末尾,我才会说我自己的看法。

*** Warning:币信仰者别看,会不爽







Bitcoin, Currencies, and Fragility


A technology should be judged in how it solves recognized problems, not by its technical appeal.




This discussion applies quantitative finance methods and economic arguments to cryptocurrencies in general and bitcoin in particular —as there are about 10, 000 cryptocurrencies, we focus (unless otherwise specified) on the most discussed crypto of those that claim to hew to the original protocol [1] and the one with, by far, the largest market capitalization.


In its current version, in spite of the hype, bitcoin failed to satisfy the notion of "currency without government" (it proved to not even be a currency at all), can be neither a short nor long term store of value (its expected value is no higher than 0), cannot operate as a reliable inflation hedge, and, worst of all, does not constitute, not even remotely, a safe haven for one’s investments, a shield against government tyranny, or a tail protection vehicle for catastrophic episodes.



Furthermore, bitcoin promoters appear to conflate the success of a payment mechanism (as a decentralized mode of exchange), which so far has failed, with the speculative variations in the price of a zero-sum maximally fragile asset with massive negative externalities




Going through monetary history, we show how a true numeraire must be one of minimum variance with respect to an arbitrary basket of goods and services, how gold and silver lost their inflation hedge status during the Hunt brothers squeeze in the late 1970s and what would be required from a true inflation hedged store of value.




First, let us consider what cryptocurrencies do by examining the notion of blockchain and its intellectual and mathematical appeal.


(*)关于比特币原理的简介,网上有很多,这里说的实在是不够清晰,强烈推荐 3blue1brown 比特币原理简介;了解了比特币的原理后关于原理部分的描述可以扫一眼跳着看


The concept behind such a chain is quite intuitive to early practitioners of quantitative finance. Consider that before efficient software for Monte Carlo simulations became widely available, some of us were using methods to generate pseudorandom variables via some forms of chained nonlinear transformations, in the spirit of Von Neumann’s original idea [2].



(*)如果你知道哈希函数是啥,可以直接跳过。不知道的再看一遍 关于哈希算法

This hard-wired attribute and absence of supervision of the blockchain allow the storage of activities on a public ledger to facilitate peer-to-peer commerce, transactions, and settlements. The blockchain concept also allows for serial record keeping. This is supposed to help create what the original white paper [1] described as:

A purely peer-to-peer version of electronic cash would allow online payments to be sent directly from one party to another without going through a financial institution.



From that paper, bitcoin makes use of three existing technologies: 1) the hash function, 2) the Merkle tree (to chain blocks of transactions tagged by the hash function), and 3) the concept of proof of work (used to deter spam by forcing agents to use computer time in order to qualify for a transaction) — technologies that, ironically, all came out of the academic literature[3]1 . The idea provides a game theoretic approach to mitigate the effects of the absence of custodian and lack of trust between participants in the maintenance of a permanent shared public ledger — attenuating or circumventing the coordination quandary known as the "Byzantine general problem".

在中本聪的这篇论文里,比特币使用了三项已经存在的技术:1)哈希函数,2)默克尔树(把一个个由哈希标记的记录数据块链接起来),和3)POW的概念(曾经用来阻止垃圾邮件的一个办法让计算机的工作时长来验证交易)。讽刺的是,所有这些技术都不新,都是学术界已经的文献里的[3] 1 。这个主意(指区块链技术)提供了一种博弈论层面上的方法,以缓解在维护永久公共账簿时缺乏托管人和参与者之间缺乏信任的问题。减弱或者绕过一种名叫「拜占庭将军问题」的协调困境。


1  As this discussion is focused on proof of work, we exclude from it Ethereum and other cryptocurrencies.

1  这里专注在讨论纯POW上,我们排斥类似以太坊或者其他加密数字货币


The bitcoin transactional currency (BTC) system establishes an adversarial collaboration between the so-called "miners" who validate transactions by getting them on a public ledger; as a reward they get coins plus a fee from the underlying transactions, transfers of coins between parties. The proof of work method has an adjustable degree of difficulty based on the speed of blocks, which aims, in theory, to keep the incentive sufficiently high for miners to keep operating the system. Such adjustments lead to an exponential increase in computer power requirements, making at the time of writing onerous energy demands on the system — energy that could find alternatives in other computational and scientific uses.


Miners derive their compensation from both seignorage (the market value of a bitcoin minus its mining costs) and transaction fees upon validation — with the plan to switch to transaction fees as the sole revenues upon the eventual depletion of the coins, which are limited to a fixed number.

A central attribute is that bitcoin depends on the existence of such miners for perpetuity.

Note that the entire ideological basis behind bitcoin is complete distrust of other operators — there are no partial custodians; the system is fully distributed, though prone to concentration . Furthermore, by the very nature of the blockchain, transactions are irreversible, no matter the reason.








Finally, note that bitcoins are zero-sum by virtue of the numerus clausus.

最后,注意一下比特币是一个零和游戏在一个numerus clausus 数里不断转手而已。

(*)这里的numerus clausus 是拉丁语,意思是「closed number」,意思是比特币就在一个封闭的小圈子里互相搞一个零和的游戏而已。四个人打麻将永远创造不出价值的。

As we will see, mathematical and combinatorial qualities do not necessarily translate into financial benefits at either individual or systemic levels.


Comment 1: Why BTC is worth exactly 0

Gold and other precious metals are largely maintenance free, do not degrade over an historical horizon, and do not require maintenance to refresh their physical properties over time. Cryptocurrencies require a sustained amount of interest in them.





A central result (even principle) in the rational expectations and securities pricing literature is that, thanks to the law of iterated expectations, if we expect now that we will expectthe price to vary at some point in the future, then by backward induction such a variation must be incorporated in the price now. When there are no dividends, as with growth companies, there is still an expectation of future earnings, and a future expected reward to stockholders — directly via dividends, or indirectly via reverse dilutions and buybacks. It remains that a stock is a claim on accumulated assets and their residual value.










Earnings-free assets with no residual value are problematic.

The implication is that, owing to the absence of any explicit yield benefitting the holder of bitcoin, if we expect that at any point in the future the value will be zero when miners are extinct, the technology becomes obsolete, or future generations get into other such "assets" and bitcoin loses its appeal for them, then the value must be zero now  3 .

无收益资产是很成问题的。换言之,因为比特币的持有者是没有明确的期望收益。如果我们知道在未来的任意某一个时刻比特币的价值为0,比如矿工最后因为没区块奖励不干了,技术被更新换代了,或者新时代炒作的主题变成了其他「资产」比特币失去了投机的关注度,那么比特币现在的价值就应该是零 3  



(*)肯定有人会说黄金白银也是无收益资产,不照样不归零还新高嘛,这个在后文里有讲到。我们先来看小注释 的内容



The typical comparison of bitcoin to gold is lacking in elementary financial rigor . We will see below how precious metals lost their quality as a medium of exchange; gold and other dividend-free precious items (such as other metals or stones) have held some financial status for more than 6, 000 years, and their physical status for several orders of magnitude longer (i.e., they did not degrade or mutate into some other alloy or mineral). So one can expect one’s gold or silver possessions to be around physically for at least the next millennium, as well as having some residual economic value by iteration, for the same reason. Metals have ample industrial uses with demand elasticity (and substitution for other raw materials). Currently, about half of gold production goes to jewelry (for which there are often no storage costs), one tenth to industry, and a quarter to central bank reserves.

经常拿黄金和比特币作比较这个是在金融问题上一个很幼稚的错误  。我们下面会看到贵金属是怎么失去它们的交易媒介的性质的;黄金和其他非生息的贵重物(比如其他的金属或宝石)的金融属性有保持了超过6000多年,他们的物理属性能保持超过这个时间好几个数量级(他们不会衰变或者降解成其他物质)。所以我们能期望自己的黄金或者白银财产至少在下一个千年依然保持相同的物质形态,并且还有一些残存的经济价值。金属还会有很多工业价值,且有需求弹性(由其他金属的替代效应)。目前,黄金的产量一半用于珠宝业(一般这个行业不会有折旧损耗),十分之一用于工业,四分之一用于央行储备。



It is also a reasoning error to claim that an innovation, bitcoin, can become the "new gold" ab ovo, when gold wasn’t decided to be so by fiat thanks to a white paper; it organically became a reserve asset ex post, through centuries of competitive selection against other modes of storage, payment, and collectibles. Gold elicited an aesthetic fascination and had been used as jewelry and store of value for more than two millennia before it became, literally, a currency or before there was such a thing as a currency. The Phoenicians used it as store of value because there was demand for it, and it was not until the 6 th C. BCE that coins from Sardis became a widespread means of exchange [6].










[1] S. Nakamoto, “Bitcoin: A peer-to-peer electronic cash system,” Tech. Rep., 2008.

[2] J. Von Neumann, “Various techniques used in connection with random digits,” Appl. Math Ser, vol. 12, no. 36-38, p. 3, 1951.

[3] A. Narayanan and J. Clark, “Bitcoin’s academic pedigree,” Communications of the ACM, vol. 60, no. 12, pp. 36–45, 2017.

[4] O. J. Blanchard and M. W. Watson, “Bubbles, rational expectations and financial markets,” NBER working paper, no. w0945, 1982.

[5] M. K. Brunnermeier, “Bubbles,” in Banking Crises. Springer, 2016, pp. 28–36.

[6] D. Graeber, Debt: The first 5000 years. Penguin UK, 2012.

